Three sculptures from Whisper seriesFlying Paloma and meSeeds of joyMoving horizonSomething sweet in the windSeeds of connectionFlying PalomaSeeds of connection and meThe conversation The tide multi colouredThe tide white smallThe conversationTrustThe tide multi colouredThe tide multi colouredSand and windSand and windSoulsSouls, installatie op maat in samenwerking met interieur architectReshaping processReshaping processReshaping processGlass artist in residence Murano ItalyMovements sand - opdracht particulierMovements sand detailInstallatie van Carry me - keramiekmuseum MondoviHold me - 9 meter -Hold me detailInstallatie 'Hold me' in opdracht van interieur architectCos stores LondenMee doenThe inner circleMultiply groenWhich way do you choose?Groei is overalMee doen in colorsMultiply soft terraTransparantie overzicht fotoTransparantieTransparantie detail met mij